Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Let Cafekids take you to the world through our coffee!
Traveling is absolutely a kind of learning.
Each place around the world has its own flavor.
Tastes may represent different cultures and environments
In the journey we can experience different cultures and flavors.
The variety of cultures and environments can inspire our spirit through the tastes.
For decades, by numerous failures and continuous modifications, we find finally a unique flavor belonging to us.
Aftertaste always memorrized by travelers’ heart.
Now we present this unique Aftertaste to you, gluttons of coffee.
However, if you have a break to taste this coffee carefully, an unprecedent feeling is coming to you.
We believe roasting coffee is an Art.
Let Cafekids take you to the world through our coffee!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
新鮮 自家焙煎
新鮮 自家焙煎
舉凡世界各地咖啡味道 都有其各種巧妙 而味道標準會因為文化/環境/各人喜好而改變 . 而味道可用文字引導體會 話語形容撰述 影像紀錄詮釋 而味道本身卻只有一種方式感受 那就是 品嚐
We Believe Roasting Coffee is an ART
這一句文案我們一直很喜歡 我們的環境中街頭巷尾咖啡館林立 不管是自家烘培咖啡館 還是專業咖啡人 每一杯端出來的咖啡 每一顆咖啡豆研磨後所釋放出來的香氣沖煮後的口感 它也代表著咖啡背後每位咖啡工作者
而我們也在的短短的近十年來發展出屬於辨識自己 認同自己的味道 一次次調整出更佳精湛咖啡味道 獻給每個喜愛咖啡的老饕.每天小義大利店內外 人來人往面對著人群打烊後回到工作室中,第一件事打開收音機撥放著來自世界各地不同的音樂第二件事打開烘豆機開關烘豆機齒輪咬合的聲音加上音樂聲開始進入另一個專注的世界夜深人靜烘咖啡豆時面對著烘焙室內滾動的咖啡豆受熱後眼見著它顏色產生變化聞著飄逸四散的咖啡香氣看著一袋袋的麻布袋充滿著異國風情思維中充滿想像來自各地不同文化的咖啡果實,雖然不能像旅遊頻道的旅人踏到不同的土地上,卻可感受到來自各地不同土地芬芳也想著咖啡農民們努力揮著汗水把辛苦採收來的咖啡豆裝成一袋袋每一個豆子都有其特色我想沒有絕對的好或差看您如何去看待它 詮釋它
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
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